“Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come;
‘Tis Grace that brought me safe so far,
And Grace will lead me home.”
I am celebrating a major anniversary of my time here on earth this month and it has led to much contemplation. Hearing one of my favorite The Piano Guys songs has added to that contemplation. I have had many good friends and a few very close friends over the years. I wonder how each of you are doing. It is hard to believe the amount of time since I was in California, Denmark, Oregon, Guam, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Texas. There are some very special memories I have of each place, but most of them revolve around individuals who were a part of my life. This year I am celebrating 40 years since I graduated from Indiana University. It only took me one year to earn my Masters of Science in Computer Science. That degree allows me to teach at Colorado Early Colleges, jointly with AIMS Community College. It has been a grueling, but enjoyable three weeks. It is good to continue to learn and have the opportunity to share with others. There is so much about which I am thinking (and thankful) at this time and I will be adding to this as the month progresses. I wish each of my friends the very best, whether we are in touch or not. May you be blessed in all that you do.