Start Walking

Have you ever woken up and feel overwhelmed by all there is to do that day? I have. For me to accomplish something, and to do it well. I have to choose one task to complete and do it well. To accomplish something important, I choose a direction and just start walking. This morning, there were errands to run with Diana. This afternoon, I want to translate some notes I took at a Church conference to this blog.

We are all blessed with challenges. Some may be more difficult than others, but we are presented with challenges to help us grow. I personally would be bored not having opportunities to grow. In life, we have joyous times, challenging times, and growth times. It is great when joyous and growth come together. Too often it is the challenging times that bring about the growth.

“Wrong” choices lead to better choices

Early in his career, Kenny Rogers’ mother told him: “Always be happy where you are, but never be content to remain there.” Start walking. I know that God will never give up on us, if we do the same then there will always be a bright spot ahead. If you start walking, is there really a wrong decision? We may realize that we need to walk in a different direction, but if we had not started our journey, we would not know that. It is from our choices that we learn to make better choices.

Inspiration comes from Asking

We all come to roadblocks reaching our chosen destination. This may be in our studies as well as in our lives. Find trusted sources. Read and ask lots of questions. The only dumb question is the one that is not asked. I teach and I guarantee each of us will be thinking about a question we have and looking for the answer. We will not pay attention to what is happening around us and we may miss the answer. We can read textbooks, internet articles, scriptures, or a combination. Studying diligently helps us come up with our best ideas. Then we need to take those ideas to a trusted source, Family, teacher, God? It may not happen instantly, but a different perspective will help us develop a far better plan.

Start Dancing in the Rain

Many victories may come when you least expect it. As Vivian Greene said: “Lif isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain.” Challenges come to all of us. Even in those trying times, we can choose out path and walk with the joy that grace will give us.

Develop Grit

Everything will not be easy. We need to develop our own grit to get through tough times. It is really nice when everything falls in place. I believe this will happen more often if we just start walking when we have choices to make. The more we make decisions, the better decisions we make. It is like hitting a fastball in baseball. The more you start walking the easier it is to choose the correct direction. Start walking. The baseball fastball video emphasizes the importance to reduce the number of decisions we make, hopefully down to only one. When we only have one decision to make, it is so much easier to start walking.

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