Instructor Name: Wayne Cook
Instructor Website: School and Detailed
Instructor Email:
This course will follow Colorado Academic Standards for Computer Science and Technology. The units covered in this course will include:
- Animal Research
- Membership Cards
- Overview of Microsoft Word
- Brochures
- Overview of Microsoft Office
- Overview of PowerPoint
- Lessons from TechnoKids
- Computers and needed software
- Handouts and Lecture will be the main forms of providing lessons
- Please bring a thumb (flash/jump/USB/etc.) drive to store your work
- Notebook and pen/pencil
CECFC does not consider grades lower than 70% passing; we do not assign D’s as a grade. Students receiving a grade of 69 percent or below will be required to re-take this course
Letter grade Percentage
Grade | Percentage |
A | 90 – 100% |
B | 80 – 89%% |
C | 70 – 79% |
F | 69% and below Unsatisfactory |
Semester Grade Components (explain how you weigh grades – this is an example)
20% Semester Projects, papers, or exams
25% Tests and Quizzes
25% Daily Classroom Assignments
15% Homework*
15% Effort** (An effort grade is required. Core classes should be 10-15%. Some electives could be up to 20%.)
Grading Components
Homework will vary depending on the unit. It is used to reinforce classroom learning, practice skills, and prepare for the next lesson. It is always better to attempt the problems than to skip the assignment. Homework will be geared towards the middle school level, producing a product that addresses the very basic elements of the project will earn 65% for the work.
**Effort grade
Required is doing the homework and in class assignments, as well as being an active and respectful participant, You also need to be on time, come prepared for class, and actively participating in classroom discussions and activities are all part of the effort grade.
If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, he or she may turn in the assignment at the start of the next class period. For every day absent, one additional day will be added to the due date.
If a student does not complete an assignment, he or she will lose 25% of the possible points the first day, and 50% the second day. No work will be accepted three days late. Students who do not turn in homework will be assigned to a lunchtime study hall to complete the assignment. This rule will go into force when I have access to my Infinite Campus Gradebook for this class.
One person will speak at a time. You will respect all other people in the classroom.
Bathroom Policy
It is expected that students will use the bathroom before or after class, unless it is an emergency situation, or when accommodations are prearranged.
PE Dress code
Students can wear their regular clothes as long as they don’t interfere with physical activity. Students must have running shoes for class every day. Girls wearing skirts or dresses must wear shorts or leggings underneath for P.E. Students may choose to change for class, but no extra time will be given.
All existing CECFC rules and policies will apply and be enforced in this class.
*Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for more information*
All CECFC Policies are available at
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By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the COURSE NAME syllabus and are willing to help your student achieve academic success by supporting CECFC’s goals, policies, staff, teachers, and administration.
Printed Full Name of Student
_________________________________ ____________
Signature of Student Date
_________________________________ ____________
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date
Please note: Parent contact will be done primarily through the e-mail address that you provided to the school during registration and through Infinite Campus.
Corrected e-mail address, if necessary
(This should be an odd page so the parent can keep the syllabus for reference.)