Period 1 – CIS118 PC Applications – Spring 2018

Welcome to CIS118 PC Applications. This course covers Microsoft Office 2016. The course materials  are found on your page after you login. I will have some redundant information here, but it can all be found under the CIS118 tab on your AIMS home page.

Rules for Class

All applicable Colorado Early Education – Fort Collins rules. In this class I have two rules that are very important to me:

  1. Treat each person in this room with the respect with which you would like to be treated.
  2. Except when in an organized group discussion, only one person speaks at a time.

Syllabus and Schedule

The Schedule is found in the CIS118 description on the website. I am providing a second copy here, but please go to the AIMS website for the most updated information.

AIMS COMMUNITY COLLEGE through CEC-FC, Fort Collins, CO Campus

CIS 118 – Intro to PC Applications

Term: Spring 2018

CRN #: 41999.201840 Instructor: Wayne Cook
Section: CIS118 (H11) Email: [email protected]
Meeting Times: MWF   7:50 AM – 8:45 AM Phone: (970)690-9976
Room: 228 Office Hours
T/TH 7:50 AM – 8:45 AM


Textbook (required):

New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 2016, First Course

Authors: Shaffer, Carey

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Sam Account (required):

SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) codeword via Cengage Learning bundled with textbook.  You will be provided a key from CEC-FC.

Storage Media (required):

USB Portable Drive commonly called a Flash Disk. May be purchased anywhere computer supplies are sold.

Headset (recommended):

Because much of the instruction is given verbally though the SAM’s Cengage site, it is highly recommended that you use a headset to listen to the instructions.


A Classroom set of the Textbook as well as the SAM access codeword will be provided through CEC-FC.  If you lose either, the cost can vary from $131 to $166.  You will have a 2-week grace period for SAM access as well as access to an online version of the book before you need to purchase it.

Aims Online (D2L) Account (user name and password) (required):

All students must have an Aims Online (D2L) account since assignments are accessed on-line through Aims Online. If you have not activated your Aims Online account, you can call the Aims Help desk to activate your account.

Software (highly recommended):

The course uses Microsoft® Office 2016 including Word 2016, Excel 2016, Access 2016 and Power Point 2016. To work at home, the student must have a computer with this program suite installed. The software and computers are readily available on campus in CIS classrooms or in the Computer Learning Lab in the College Center building.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces computer concepts and components, as well as application suite software, including descriptions of and hands-on experiences with word processing, spreadsheets, databases, operating environments and other common PC application packages.

CREDITS:  3 credits


The following topics will be covered in the course:

  1. Windows operating system and file management
  2. Access and search for information on the Internet

III.  Basic computer concepts and terminology

  1.  Word processing software
  2. Spreadsheet software
  3. Database software

VII.  Presentation graphics software

VIII. Integration of office applications within a suite

COURSE OBJECTIVES:  According to the Colorado Community College Common Course Database, upon completion of this course, the student/learner will be able to:

Define the basic hardware and software concepts associated with personal computers:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to utilize network and internet terminology
  2. Navigate the operating system
  3. Organize and manipulate file names, locations, and backups
  4. Create, modify, use and print word processing documents, spreadsheets, relational databases and presentations
  5. Apply formatting techniques to word processing documents, spreadsheets, databases and presentations
  6. Create, insert and modify visual elements (graphics, charts, tables, ClipArt, etc) in word processing documents, spreadsheets, databases and presentations
  7. Create and format a word processing report
  8. Use desktop publishing features e.g. columns, newsletter, web pages, etc.
  9. Create and use mail merge
  10. Create and modify spreadsheet formulas and functions
  11. Create, insert and modify spreadsheet charts
  12. Make use of relative and absolute cell references
  13. Maintain a database
  14. Query a database
  15. Create and use database forms, filters, and reports
  16. Create and use animation in a presentation
  17. Create and use tables in a presentation
  18. Create and use charts in a presentation
  19. Integrate word processing documents, spreadsheets, databases and presentations


What is a Common Learning Outcome?  Common Learning Outcomes (CLOs) define the expectations of an Aims Community College education and provide the benchmarks against which the College holds itself accountable.

Critical Thinking Competency – Students who can think critically apply thinking skills and are able to evaluate real-world examples in terms of course content and knowledge.  Examples of critical thinking include identifying and exploring issues, recognizing your audience and addressing them accordingly and, framing personal reference and acknowledging other perspectives.

Problem Solving – Good problem solvers apply thinking skills to evaluate real-world examples in terms of course content and knowledge.  Students with strong problem solving skills will interpret the problem, develop a strategy to solve the problem, apply appropriate strategies and procedures, and arrive at a workable solution.

Professionalism – Students who are professional strive for excellence in their performance of required roles in their future professions.  Professionals demonstrate accountability and ethical behavior, maintain a professional attitude and conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner.

Written Communication – Students should be able to demonstrate a high level of written communication skills as necessary for their future profession through the development and expression of ideas in writing.  Students with strong written communication skills will include in their writing a clear main idea or theme, include appropriate content and context, organize their materials to suit the purpose of the document and use appropriate conventions

Oral Communications – Students should be able to demonstrate a high level of oral communication skills as necessary for their future profession through prepared, purposeful presentations designed to increase knowledge, to foster understanding, or to promote change in the listeners’ attitudes, values, beliefs or behavior.  A good oral presentation includes a central message with supporting materials, is organized, clearly delivered and may involve interactions with the audience.


Date Event
January 4, 2018 Classes begin
January 10, 2018 First payment deadline (none of CEC-FC students)
January 15, 2018 Campus closed for Martin Luther King Day
January 22, 2018 Last day to add a class (for AIMS classes)
January 31, 2018 Last day to drop a class without anything appearing on your transcript
March 5–9, 2018 Midterm week (make sure you are half way through the course)
March 12–16, 2018 Spring Break
April 9, 2018 Summer and fall registration begins for AIMS
April 13, 2018 Last day to withdraw from an AIMS class and have a “W” appear on your transcript
April 13, 2018 Graduation deadline for summer 2018 graduation
May 8-11, 2018 Final exams, May 11, last day of spring semester

Grading Scale

Percentages Grade Description
90% – 100% A (Superior and excellent)
80% –  89% B (Above average)
70% –  79% C (Average)
60% –  79% D/F (Below average level of achievement)
(This is a failing grade at CEC-FC)
Below 60% F (Not acceptable)


Based on Total Points = 4200 (See Schedule)

Total Points Letter Grade
3780–4200 A
3360-3779 B
2940-3359 C
2520-2939 D/F
<2520 F

HOMEWORK AND CLASS ATTENDANCE is crucial to achieve the objectives of this class.  Your success depends on being prepared for and participating in each class.  All students are expected to attend every class session on time and to have their homework completed when assigned.  I would appreciate an email or telephone message indicating your absence from class.

Study Procedures  Read each chapter thoroughly the first day it is assigned.  Begin by reading the Learning Objectives.  Study through all exhibits and figures carefully.

You may find it helpful to study and do homework in small groups.  Getting input from others and working out solutions together is an additional way to learn.  HOWEVER, please be careful that you do your own work—a study group is not a substitute for thinking through the problem yourself.

You are in class 3 hours a week. You can expect to work an additional 9 – 12 hours outside of class.


It is important to begin modeling employment traits in the classroom. Begin this procedure by adhering to the following guidelines:

  1. We will respect each other and communicate in a respectful, attentive manner.
  2. Please listen while another individual is sharing.
  1. See me with any questions during my office hours or immediately after class.
  2. Be on time.
  3. Complete assignments in a professional, neat manner and turn in timely.
  4. Ask if you have questions.
  1. Complete your own assignments in order to maximize learning and remain in this course.

Cell Phone Policy: If you have a cell phone with you in the classroom, make sure the ringer or beeper is off unless you are expecting a call due to an emergency situation.  In that case, you must inform the instructor in order not to disrupt the class unexpectedly.


(an electronic copy of the policies may be found at

Academic Integrity:

 Aims Community College Students are expected to demonstrate qualities of morality, honesty, civility, honor, and respect. Behavior which violates these standards for which discipline may be imposed includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Cheating. Copying or attempting to copy the academic work of another student (including but not limited to quizzes, examinations, assessment tests, and assignments); using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices for an academic examination or exercise; engaging or attempting to engage the assistance of another individual in misrepresenting the academic performance of a student; or communicating information in an unauthorized manner to another person for an academic examination or exercise.
  2. Fabrication or Falsification. Falsifying or fabricating any information, College document, record, or instrument of identification. Falsification is the alteration of information, while fabrication is the invention or counterfeiting of information.
  3. Plagiarism. Use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement; unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person; or use of an agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
  4. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty. Helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
  5. Falsifying Grade Reports. Changing or destroying, or attempting to change or destroy grades, scores, or markings on an examination or in an Instructor’s or the College’s records.
  6. Lying. Furnishing false information to any College official, faculty member or office.
  7. Other. Additional standards of conduct relating to academic honesty specified in writing by an academic division or department and/or Instructor for a particular course.

(See Student Code of Conduct, Aims Procedure 5-601A.)

Academic Resources:

Computer Resources: The Computer Learning Lab staff provides assistance in various disciplines, including CIS, Business Technology, Graphics Technology and various programming languages. There are a large number of computers loaded with current software available for student use. Please visit the computer lab website for additional information:

Library: The Kiefer Library offers services on all campuses that include book check-out, reference services, and off-campus online research databases. The Greeley Campus library is located on the 2nd floor of the College Center. For assistance with library services, please contact the library staff via telephone at 970-339-6458 or email at [email protected].

Disability Access Services:

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact Disability Access Services (DAS) privately to discuss her/her specific needs. Please be aware that before accommodations can be allowed in class they must be approved through the DAS Office. Students should contact DAS at 970-339-6388 or [email protected] to set up an appointment to discuss the process of requesting reasonable accommodations.

The DAS Office is located on the first floor of the College Center in Room 164 (See Aims Policy 5-1400.)

Aims Community College is a community of learners. Students are expected to assume responsibility for their learning by attending all class sessions, participating in class discussions and completing all assignments. Each student is encouraged to develop a professional work ethic in class that reflects responsibility, initiative and teamwork.

When an absence is unavoidable due to illness or an emergency, students are responsible for notifying their instructors and to arrange for make-up work. Because Aims Community College is committed to helping students succeed, students who demonstrate signs of unsatisfactory academic progress (e.g. unexcused absences, missed assignments, poor participation in class, etc.) will be referred to a retention specialist for assistance. (See Aims Procedure 2-250E.)
For Religious Observances

Some accommodations regarding late-work/arrivals/attendance may be fashioned when necessitated by religious practices. These accommodations will be worked out on a case-by-case basis, but students must inform faculty of conflicts well in advance of such conflicts.

Attendance in Online Courses:

This section is here to be consistent with the AIMS Syllabus only. This is NOT and on-line course.
Students enrolled in online classes must complete one or more attendance activities as listed by the Instructor during the first week of class in order to be counted as “attending” the online course. Failure to complete an assigned attendance activity may result in the student being dropped from the class.

Attendance activities are outlined by the course Instructor in the Syllabus. In addition, if a student has not logged into the course for a period longer than one week (seven days), the Instructor will notify administration that the student is a “Stop-Out.” (See Aims Aims Procedure 2-250E.)

Children on Campus

All children on campus under the age of sixteen (16) must be under the direct supervision of a parent or legal guardian unless they are involved in a specific College approved and supervised activity. (See Aims Policy 3-600.)

Course Evaluations

Course Evaluations provide valuable feedback to Instructors. Students are encouraged to complete the online course evaluation survey during the last two weeks of the course. Other short course evaluations will be available at various times, depending on the course start and end times.

Students will receive an email message directing them to a website where they can login using their Aims ID and complete evaluations. Course evaluations are confidential. The Student Course Evaluation Website is

The Student Course Evaluation Website is (Harmon, 2013).

Grade Replacement:

Repeating a course under Grade Replacement is subject to the following conditions: The first petition for a Grade Replacement may be made after the course has already been repeated, provided it was repeated fall 2005 or later. Such a retroactive petition request is limited to one course, and limited to the student’s first petition request. To be eligible for any additional Grade Replacements, student must submit a completed grade replacement petition to the Admissions and Records office at the time of registration (i.e. before repeating the course).

It is the student’s responsibility to check with the appropriate academic department(s) to determine course eligibility for Grade Replacement (See Aims Policy 2-220A for further information).

Incomplete Grades:

A student may receive an Incomplete if they have been delayed in completing the required course work and has satisfactorily completed at least 75% of the course. During the semester the student is completing the Incomplete Grade Contract, the student cannot re-enroll in the class, nor is the student considered to be currently enrolled in the course. Students must arrange the terms of an incomplete grade with their instructors, who will define the terms of and deadline for the incomplete grade on an Incomplete Grade Contract form. Instructors are not obligated to allow a student to enter into an Incomplete Grade Contract. (See Aims Policy 2-200 and Procedure 2-250C.)

Learning Objectives:

Learning objective statements outlined in the Instructor’s Syllabus specify the student achievement expected upon completion of the particular course. Learning objectives create a measure to assess a student’s achievement or attainment of necessary knowledge or skills

Student Conduct:

Please note a complete copy of the Student Code of Conduct can be found at

Students are expected to practice academic honesty. They must refrain from any form of cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college. Students should refrain from expressing derogatory opinions concerning race, gender, ethnicity, and should avoid using obscene language. Each student is responsible for contributing to a positive learning environment in classroom situations. Because respect for the learning process is critical, no behavior that disrupts another student’s ability to learn will be tolerated. Students who conduct themselves contrary to the best interest of the class as a whole may be referred to the Dean for Student Services for Disciplinary Action.

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion from the College (See Aims Policy 5-601 and Procedure 5-601A).

Technical Support:

Students with difficulty accessing myAims, in an online course, or computer configuration for the Aims website may contact Technical Support by calling 970-339-6380 or emailing the [email protected] or call 970-339-6380 (See

Testing Center:

Please visit the following website for information on testing center hours: if you are at AIMS. Please see the CEC-FC Testing Center otherwise.


Any and all written worked submitted in a course may be submitted to or a similar detection program for evaluation of the originality of a student’s work as well as proper use and citation of sources. Such software programs have the educational purpose of ensuring the integrity of submitted student work. Work submitted to will be included as source documents in a restricted access database owned by solely for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism of such documents.

By registering for this course at Aims, the student agrees that all assignments may be subject to the form of originality review mandated by the instructor. A paper not submitted according to the procedures and format set by the instructor may be penalized or may not be accepted for credit towards the student’s grade. No work created for another class or project shall be submitted to another course for a grade without the prior consent of the instructor (See Aims Procedure 5-601E).


Drop-in, individual, and guided study group tutoring is available to currently enrolled Aims students.

For available subjects for tutoring, hours, and additional questions, please call 339-6541 for Greeley, 667-4611 ext. 3304 for Loveland, and 303-718-5905 for Fort Lupton services.

Also, please visit our website at for current information and drop-in tutoring hours.

Online tutoring assistance is available for writing and math by request only during our scheduled drop-in hours. Students will need to email [email protected] to request an online tutoring session (24-hour advance notice is required for online tutoring sessions.)

The Computer Learning Lab staff provides assistance in various disciplines, including CIS, Business Technology, Graphics Technology and various programming languages. There are a large number of computers loaded with current software available for student use. Please visit the website for additional information. (Ramirez, 2013).

Withdraw “W” Grade

A “W” grade indicates a student’s withdrawal after the point marking 15% of the course (the drop/refund deadline) and before the point marking 75% of the course. After the 75% point, students may no longer choose to withdraw from a course, and faculty will either assign the grade earned or complete an “Incomplete” contract with the student. An Incomplete will be assigned only under extraordinary circumstances and is left to the discretion of the Instructor. (See Aims Policy 2-200.)


If you are having challenges with the course material, need help, or want reinforcement, please talk to me IMMEDIATELY. There are many resources available to you if you are in need of help with the course content and/or want to reinforce the information you learn from the text and class.

CIS118 Introduction to PC Applications

Spring 2018


The following schedule is a guideline only.  It may be necessary to spend more or less time on a topic than planned.  Also, it may be necessary to add, delete, or change problems to meet the needs of this class. All assigned Exercises and Problems should be completed before class on the assigned date.

CIS118 Assignment Schedule – Spring 2018
Week  Lecture Topics and Assignments Points


1 Orientation
SAM – Introduction & Set-up Account
Essential Computer Concepts, File Management, & Internet Basics  
  Essential Computer Concepts (ECC)  
1 Essential Computer Concepts Training 100
1 Essential Computer Concepts Exam 100
Managing Your Files
2 File Management Training 100
2 File Management Exam 100
Internet Basics
2 Internet Training 100
2 Internet Exam 100
Total Points 600
3 Textbook: Word  1
Word 1 Training 100
Word 1 Exam 100
Word 1 Project 100
4 Textbook: Word 2
Word 2 Training 100
Word 2 Exam 100
Word 2 Project 100
5 Textbook: Word 3
Word 3 Training 100
Word 3 Exam 100
Word 3 Project 100
6 Textbook: Word 4
Word 4 Training 100
Word 4 Exam 100
Word 4 Project 100
Total Points for Word 1200
7 Textbook: Excel 1
Excel 1 Training 100
Excel 1 Exam 100
Excel 1 Project 100
8 Textbook: Excel 2
Excel 2 Training 100
Excel 2 Exam 100
Excel 2 Project 100
9 Textbook: Excel 3
Excel 3 Training 100
Excel 3 Exam 100
Excel 3 Project 100
10 Textbook: Excel 4
Excel 4 Training 100
Excel 4 Exam 100
Excel 4 Project 100
Total Points for Excel 1200
11 Textbook: Access 1
Access 1 Training 100
Access 1 Exam 100
Access 1 Project 100
12 Textbook: Access 2
Access 2 Training 100
Access 2 Exam 100
Access 2 Project 100
Total Points for Access 600
13 Textbook: PowerPoint 1
PowerPoint 1 Training 100
PowerPoint 1 Exam 100
PowerPoint 1 Project 100
14 Textbook: PowerPoint 2
PowerPoint 2 Training 100
PowerPoint 2 Exam 100
PowerPoint 2 Project 100
Total Points for PowerPoint 600
Final Project  
15 Total Points for Final Project 200
  Total 4400