Basic Course Information
Course Name: Certification Lab
Semester: Spring 2023
Course Add Deadline: 1/10
Course Drop Deadline: 1/17
Instructor Information
Instructor: Wayne Cook
CECFC Web Site for current students:
Office Hours: M W F 11:50-12:45 – or by appointment through TEAMS
Course Materials
Certificate Course, usually through GMetrix. Contact Mr. Cook with regards to gaining access to your needed course materials. Certification tests will be given during the semester, usually through Certiport.
Welcome Message
Hello! You are embarking in your certification class offered at CEC! This will be a class that is as fast paced as you would like to make it and focused on earning a professional certification! Your grade will be based on your attendance and passing your certification exam.
Course Description
You need a professional certification to graduate from CECFC. This course offers you the opportunity to earn such a certification.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Students will attend class and work on learning the material needed to pass the professional certification of their choice.
- Passing your certification exam guarantees passing this class.
Instructor’s Overview of the Course
You are expected to be self-motivated to earn your profession certificate of choice. The instructor will help you where possible and will set up your access to the learning material and the certification exams. It is up to you to learn the material.
Graded Instructional Activities
Activities | Contribution to Overall Grade |
Attendance | 20 |
Lessons completed | 50 |
Passing Certification | 30 |
TOTAL | 100% |
Grading Scales and Standards
Students are expected to regularly check grades on Infinite Campus and address any discrepancies or questions with the instructor within a week of the grade posting date. There are multiple ways to pass this class. The best way is to learn the material and pass the certification exam.
Pass/Fail Grade | Range |
Pass | 70 – 100% |
Fail | 69% and lower |
Students must make EVERY effort to attend class.
In CECFC’s fast-paced, semester-based program, attendance is crucial for success. In the event of an absence, students will have two days for each day they are absent to make-up the work they miss without penalty. If a student submits work after the allotted time for absences, the late work policy in the next section will apply.
Absences in certification class should be minimal until you have passed the desired professional certifiaction.
Guardian Responsibilities:
- Communicate with CECFC’s attendance line (970.632.5282 or email
- Remind your student of the responsibilities below
Student Responsibilities:
- Communicate with the instructor as soon as they know they will be absent
- Check the online platform used for the course for makeup work
- Establish appropriate deadlines with instructor for turning in missing work
Instructor Responsibilities:
- Establish reasonable due dates with the student for makeup work
- Provide an opportunity for the student to demonstrate the learning they missed
- Adapt make up work including excusing or altering assignments to allow students who are absent to demonstrate learning in an appropriate manner per teacher discretion
Arriving to class prepared and ready to learn is also crucial. Students who arrive after the start of class will be considered tardy. Please be conscientious of arriving on time as to not disrupt your classmates and to ensure you are prepared to learn for the entire period.
CECFC takes a team approach to ensuring students can access their courses. After a student’s second absence and/or third tardy in a course, the instructor and other support staff will begin to monitor and work with a student and potentially his/her family to ensure attendance and appropriate access to the course.
Culture of Responsibility and Workforce Readiness
Students should read and be familiar with these school policies found on the CECFC website. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that prepares them for college and career including the following:
- The student communicates questions or concerns with the teacher directly (in person or via email).
- The student notifies the teacher of absences and communicates needs or confusion over make-up work
- The student consistently engages respectfully and professionally in the classroom with all individuals.
CECFC General Writing Expectations
All students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of written communication in writing composed in and for all classes/courses at CECFC. Failure to apply these standards may lead to a class consequence at the discretion of the instructor. This may include a grade deduction for the assignment or an ungraded assignment until the student revises his/her writing to meet CECFC’s composition expectations.
At a minimum, writing that a student submits to an instructor to be graded should demonstrate the following characteristics after completing the writing process (brainstorming, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing):
- Complete sentences (Avoid run on sentences and fragments)
- Correct Capitalization
- Correct Spelling
- Logical paragraph structure (Avoid long blocks of text lacking one controlling idea.)
- Clarity (An instructor should not have to re-read a sentence in order to understand the meaning the student is attempting to convey.)
- Formatting (Use a style guide to ensure correctly formatted text size, spacing, headings, etc. in the style the instructor has requested.)
- Sources should be correctly cited using all norms of the style assigned by the instructor in order to avoid plagiarism
- Professional and academic word choice appropriate to the audience and purpose
- Legible handwriting (if applicable)
If a student is not confident in demonstrating each of the above characteristics, tutors are available to assist in revising and editing any assignment, big or small, prior to submission.
Classroom Conduct
Engage in the rehearsal process. Keep chatting to a minimum. Support everyone in class.
When a student is struggling to meet these expectations, the instructor will follow the following steps:
First instance: Verbal warning, redirection, and reminder of expectation
Second instance: One-on-one conference between student and instructor to determine barriers for meeting expectations and steps to move forward.
Third time: Restorative conference with student, teacher, and any other relevant staff members to further discuss barriers and steps to move forward
Fourth time: Parent or guardian contact via email, phone call, or meeting together with student to work together as a team to address the recurring issue and create an updated action plan.
If these steps are not successful, the student will be referred to the Campus Culture team for additional follow-up outside of the classroom setting.
CECFC focuses on working as a team with the student, teacher, home support system, administration, and potentially other classmates with the goal of keeping students in class, engaged, and positively contributing to our learning environment as much as possible.
Remote and Online Learning Expectations
When interacting online with the instructor and classmates, students are expected to uphold expectations of professionalism and respect. This includes emails, discussion boards, and live class meetings. Students are expected to uphold the following expectations in all school related platforms and interactions online:
- Share ideas and differing opinions but do not attack others
- Keep an open mind to what others have to say
- Do not dominate the conversation. Focus on interacting and inviting others into the conversation.
- Avoid slang and use complete, edited sentences to communicate your ideas clearly.
- Use emojis, underlining, or bold words when appropriate to convey tone, but avoid using these excessively or negatively.
- Appropriate humor can be acceptable but remember it can often be hard to interrupt online. Consider what you are posting before you post it.
- Stay on topic and only post what is appropriate for the class and particular learning activity
The instructor reserves the right to delete inappropriate or off-topic comments or posts. If a student does not meet these remote learning expectations, he or she may also be referred to the Campus Culture team and/or Dean of Academics.
Video Recording and Sharing
Live classes via Teams and D2L will sometimes be recorded and provided for all students to access later in order to accommodate students who are unable to attend class and for students to material if needed. All these course materials provided online are the property of the instructor. This includes videos, voice recordings, pictures, handouts, slides, etc. The following are appropriate uses of all materials provided by your instructor via Teams, D2L, or email:
- Downloading videos/voice recordings for yourself to review in connection to the course
- Saving or printing files to assist yourself in completing course work
Students cannot download, print, post, or use the course materials in any other way without written consent from the instructor. Ensure that you ask for permission prior to using or sharing the intellectual property of the instructor for any other purposes other than completing and understanding coursework.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to conduct themselves ethically in all courses and assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity will be that a student’s submitted work, exams, reports, discussions, and projects must be that of the student’s own work and unique to the course. Consequences will follow any of the following actions:
- Represent the work of others as their own (this includes copying material from the Internet for discussion postings or other assignments without proper citation)
- Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.
- Give unauthorized assistance to other students.
- Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record, or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit.
- Misrepresent the content of submitted work.
Collaboration. Unless otherwise instructed, all work submitted is to be done individually by the student. This means you should not be working in pairs or in a group to write discussion posts, complete assignments or take quizzes and other assessments unless specifically asked to do so by your instructor.
Plagiarism / Dual Submission. Plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental, is academic dishonesty and may incur disciplinary action. Plagiarism means
- Using someone else’s ideas and not correctly citing that use. This means that if you put someone else’s work into your own words, put it in your work, and do not correctly document it, the idea is plagiarized.
- Using someone else’s words without quotation marks and not correctly citing that use.
- Using someone else’s images or other works (such as from the Internet) without correctly citing that use.
- Submitting work that has been turned in for credit in another class or at another institution unless specifically permitted by your instructor.