Women are important in the history of coding. Recently, fewer are starting down this path. Besides teaching at Front Range Community College, my goal is to help more women become better coders. With the development of artificial intelligence, the need for better coders and software developers is increasing. We need more men and women of all backgrounds to understand how to design and implement software. Women have influenced coding throughout history, we need more right now. Some examples follow.
Ada Lovelace
Charles Babbage created a mechanical computer, considered the first “modern” computer. But without someone to program the instrument, it would be a “boat anchor.” Ada Lovelace described the basics of programming design. A lot of her work was lost until Alan Turing started using Ada’s material in his research and designs. Here is an interesting story about how they worked together: The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage – Wikipedia.

BBC created a video about the life of Ada Lovelace and the vision she had for computing. See BBC DOCUMENTARY : Calculating Ada – The Countess of Computing 2015 – YouTube.
Joan Clarke
Joan Clarke’s work was vital to the British success in breaking the Enigma code.

Joan Clarke was “just a mathematician.” Still, her cryptography work with Alan Turing helped break Germany’s Enigma Code. Joan Clarke, woman who cracked Enigma cyphers with Alan Turing – BBC News. Alan Turing depended on her intuition for a lot of his concept developments. Joan Clarke calculated complex equations quickly and intuitive, as shown in this movie clip.
Admiral Grace Hopper

Responsible for the invention of Cobol and many of the aspects of modern compilers. See Grace Hopper – Computer Coder, Education & Achievements for a good overview of her career.
Hidden Figures – Annie Easley, Group Lead

Much of the orbit computing work for NASA started as women doing hand calculations for best launch and re-entry trajectories. When the first IBM computer was delivered to NASA. Annie Easley was the head of this group. Her goal was to guarantee her team’s members were trained to program the new IBM system. Her groups continued their orbit calculation work on the new NASA IBM computers. Much of the early NASA programming was designed and implemented by Annie Easley’s team. At this time, hardware was for men and programming was for women.
Margaret Hamilton
The Saturn V programming was exceptional. It flew men to the moon safely without any control of the people on the command module. When the Saturn V started orbiting the moon, the pilots were given control. The lunar lander also had control so the pilot would choose a safe place to land. The development of these computers was broken into two teams, hardware and software. Margaret Hamilton led the software development team. An excellent TED talk on her work explains the quality of the work.
There was not much room for error at this time. The hardware was more robust than what was on the Saturn V rocket. But the limitations were just as great. Margaret had to allow the pilot to fly the lunar lander and make decisions. It did have checks that warned the pilot of potential problems. If a check occurred, all auxiliary programs were stopped. This allowed the mission critical programs (like the landing controls) to execute.
Most Influential Women in Computer Science
These are but a few of the women that influenced Computer Science. For another person’s view of the women who have had the most influence, see the SCI Journal’s 18 Famous Female Computer Scientists That You Should Know 2025
Modern Opportunities
There are so many opportunities for good engineers. See some stories of modern men and women developing software together. Watch CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap (2015) Online for Free | The Roku Channel | Roku