Category Archives: Computers

Jumps and Calls are not the Same

I have programmed with several languages. This semester, I am teaching students x86 assembler. The 8086 was the start of the x86 family for Intel. The University of Virgia has a great introduction to x86 codding. Introduction For all programs, … Continue reading

Posted in Jumps, program calls, Programming, Software | 1 Comment

Using Arrays in Java

This article tells users the fundamental uses of Java Arrays. Java, or any other programming language, has similar definitions on how to use arrays. An array is a grouping of the same types of variables into an indexable structure. A … Continue reading

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To Teach Well, Learn from Students

In education, learning is important for all involved. To teach well, I need to learn from my students. This is just as important as my students learning from me. Continue reading

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Growth Comes from Solving Harder Problems

Embrace harder challenges, do not avoid them. Solving harder problems is rewarding. Continue reading

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Push Through Until Task Completion

How many times do we start a project and then leave it incomplete and move on to other tasks? This is something that is the bane of most people, including me. This is one reason agile processes, including the Scrum … Continue reading

Posted in C++, C++, Computers, Do, Inspiration, Java, Planning, Programming, SCRUM Methodology, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Push Through Until Task Completion

Keep It Stupid Simple

Keep it Stupid Simple means to look for the simplest solution that for programming means something that does the job and is easy to maintain. For other subjects, it can be best expressed by Occam Razor Continue reading

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STEM/Computer Science Board Meeting 16 December 2020

This information is probably not as thorough as I would like. It is based off of notes I wrote on the back of a business card since I did not have any other writing material available. So, I hope I … Continue reading

Posted in Agile Methodology, C++, C++, Computers, GitHub, Java, Mentor, SCRUM, Software | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on STEM/Computer Science Board Meeting 16 December 2020

Final Project Guidelines for Computer Programming Classes

Each of my Computer Science classes require a final project of complexity commensurate with what is learned in the class. The computer language used is the language studied during the semester. Currently, that is either Java or C++. This document … Continue reading

Posted in C++, Final Project, GitHub, Java, UML | Comments Off on Final Project Guidelines for Computer Programming Classes

How Old is Boolean Logic?

Boolean logic was being used long before there were computers. We can go a little way back to when light bulbs were invented. There were no dimmer switches, so the light was either on or off. George Boole (1815–1864) invented … Continue reading

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Knowing how to interview for a computer programming/design position is almost as important as the learning how to program. Over the years, I have had friends who were excellent programmers, including the design process, who lost out to people who … Continue reading

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